
Urban Rider Meets Phillip Island
Although I am not an avid moto sports fan, I went down to Phillip Island on a quiet day just to check out what all the fuss was about and I have to say, I was blown away. Why?


More Girls on Bikes

I started riding 2 years ago now. I have met loads of girls on my moto travels who are the same, only been riding for a few years. Why is it now that so many more girls are taking up the moto lifestyle and getting on bikes?


Intro to Walden Miller the Kings of Retro

What are you looking for in a motorcycle jacket? I know I love a moto jacket to be really top quality and made from a material that feels comfortable but also looking shit hot!

Walden Miller owner Lynton talks to us about why their jackets are the bees knees and tells us the reason why Walden Miller has been kitting out riders year after year after year.


Moto Femmes | A labour of love has been launched

If you are here reading this right here and right now, you are officially a Moto Femme!!

Moto Femmes, meaning motorcycle women in French, has been a labour of love of mine for 18 months now and I am so proud to be bringing it to you.

This is a one stop shop for urban female riders where you can a beautiful and well-made range of products so you feel feminine and gorgeous as you ride around on your pride and joy.